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Reducing Employee Turnover

How can you reduce your employee turnover? Attraction and retention are issues facing many businesses. The most successful employers recognise the value of their employees and are constantly looking for ways to retain their best performers. Turnover contributes to higher labour costs and lowers overall business profitability and success. It


Managing increased absenteeism in the workplace

Managing increased absenteeism in the workplace Managing unplanned absences can be difficult and risky. When not managed well, excessive absenteeism can create a significant cost for employers due to: Reduced productivity, Increased costs to cover ‘replacement’ employees, and Impact on the workplace and team morale. Further difficulties arise where a


Surveillance in the workplace

Surveillance in the workplace Surveillance in the workplace is becoming increasingly relevant as it relates to security of information and business operations. This can present questions for employers and employees regarding what surveillance is or is not appropriate in the work environment. Below we provide some useful points to consider.

Working for Women Strategy

Working for Women Strategy

Working for Women Strategy The Australian Government recently issued the “Working for Women Strategy.” This strategy contains long term goals towards “an Australia where people are safe, treated with respect, have choices and have access to resources and equal outcomes no matter their gender” (Working for Women Strategy). The strategy

Substitution of Public Holidays

Substitution of Public Holidays

Substitution of Public Holidays – Could it work in your business? There is an increasing trend with businesses providing an opportunity for their employees to substitute public holidays throughout the calendar year. This trend has become particularly prevalent in large scale business environments, but it is growing in popularity across

Right to Disconnect

Right to Disconnect

The Right to Disconnect – What you need to know The Right to Disconnect has been introduced as an amendment to the Fair Work Act via the legislation of the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes No. 2) Act 2024. The amendment is intended to protect employees from any adverse action by