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Working for Women Strategy

Working for Women Strategy

Working for Women Strategy The Australian Government recently issued the “Working for Women Strategy.” This strategy contains long term goals towards “an Australia where people are safe, treated with respect, have choices and have access to resources and equal outcomes no matter their agenda” (Working for Women Strategy). The strategy

Remote Work

Building trust in a hybrid, remote work environment

How can we improve how we interact with our colleagues in a hybrid/remote working environment? Over recent years, the rise of remote work and virtual teams has accelerated. With such change in how we work, comes a need to increase our focus and change (improving) how we interact with our

Health & Safety Committee

Health & Safety Committees

Why do we need them? While each State and Territory has its own Occupational and Work Health Safety legislation, all employers have a legal obligation to ensure that each workplace or site is safe for employees, clients, and visitors. Health and Safety committees (HSCs) can play a key role

Unfair Dismissal

Unfair Dismissal

How can I avoid a costly claim? The definition of unfair dismissal relates to when an employee’s employment is ended at the direction of the employer and when the reason for the termination is deemed to be harsh, unjust or unreasonable. If a claim brought to the Fair Work Commission

Recruitment - Attract Top Candidates

Recruitment – Attract Top Candidates

Recruitment – Attract Top Candidates Tips to attract top candidates to your role Attracting the best candidates to your organisation can be a highly competitive task, and securing top talent can significantly contribute to your business’s success.  There are some common concerns that candidates look out for when they are

Industrial Manslaughter

Industrial Manslaughter

Industrial manslaughter – It is an offence Industrial manslaughter is the offence of recklessly or negligently failing to ensure the safety of workers or others impacted by the business or undertaking, leading to the death of the worker or other person. As the number of workplace fatalities increases, employers have

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