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Hire and Onboard
Labour Hire Workers
New rights for labour hire workers A labour hire employee (the employee) is defined as a person who enters a work contract with a labour hire agency (the agency). The agency has a commercial contract to supply labour with a host business (the employer). The employee performs work for the

Recruitment – Attract Top Candidates
Recruitment – Attract Top Candidates Tips to attract top candidates to your role Attracting the best candidates to your organisation can be a highly competitive task, and securing top talent can significantly contribute to your business’s success. There are some common concerns that candidates look out for when they are

No Contract and still an employee?
Recently a case was heard before the Fair Work Commission (FWC) where a worker claimed unfair dismissal from their employer. The employer objected to the claim on the grounds that they understood the worker to be an independent contractor and not an employee (and therefore the worker was not eligible

Interviewing for Success
Are you starting the new year with a new hire? Make sure the interview experience creates the best first impression for your candidates and supports the recruitment of the best candidate for the role. Ideally you will conduct the first interview in person, however if this is not possible you

Interview questions to challenge your potential new hire
Interviews provide such a small window of opportunity to understand the capabilities of your potential new hire. We often rely on pre-set behavioural questions which candidates may well have rehearsed and prepared for. Here we explore some of our favourite questions which will not only assist you to determine the

Staff Perks – Ideas to attract and retain key talent
With the introduction of hybrid work models, many businesses with employees who have resumed working five days per week in the office are finding a higher than normal turnover of their staff. Similarly, many employers are experiencing difficulties in attracting new staff. Employers who offer flexibility, growth, great experiences, healthy