Managing increased absenteeism in the workplace


Managing increased absenteeism in the workplace

Managing unplanned absences can be difficult and risky. When not managed well, excessive absenteeism can create a significant cost for employers due to:

  • Reduced productivity,
  • Increased costs to cover ‘replacement’ employees, and
  • Impact on the workplace and team morale.

Further difficulties arise where a pattern of absenteeism develops, especially when an employee has previously not been required to produce evidence to support their absence.


Tips for managing absenteeism

  • Be reasonable and consistent in managing absenteeism.
  • Be fair in setting expectations around notice and evidence requirements.
  • Review medical evidence when analysing leave data.
  • Is your employee, ok? Has the employee been afforded an opportunity to discuss any difficulties they may be experiencing in coming to work.
  • Does your employee have barriers to working? Are there patterns emerging? Explore this with them in conversation and develop appropriate supports.
  • Where intervention is required, begin with an employee check in then present the employee with the absenteeism data. Remind them of their obligations and set reasonable expectations.
  • Arrange for any discussion to be in a quiet location and a confidential manner.

Managing absenteeism can be challenging. HR Advice Online can support and guide you through this process. For assistance with any HR matters, please contact us at [email protected] or 1300 720 004.

Information in HR Advice Online guides and blog posts are meant purely for educational discussion of human resources issues. It contains general information about human resources matters and due to factors, such as Government legislation changes, may not be up to date at the time of reading. It is not legal advice and should not be treated as such.


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